This Is My Story

A beautiful, grey, outlined, flower like mandala that adorns much of Courtney's website and has been a part of her branding since the beginning.
Channeling Chakra image


My name is Courney Carnrite. I have studied many healing modalities and I have developed myself as an interdisciplinary healer. I begin my sessions by opening to available information from my clients and their guides and/or passed loved ones; I incorporate my intuition & knowledge to support my clients optimally.

I have trained and been certified in 7-Threads Animistic Folk Medicine, Intuition University Graduate Program, Western Herbalism, 8 Limbed Ashtanga Yoga, Birth Doula, Flower Essences and Nutrition & Wellness. I have also created and own an herbal product line.

My path began as a small child. I often played with my imaginary friend and we would travel to the stars together. I would listen to the earth and walk all about – zig zagging my way through fields to avoid stepping on the insects and life I sensed. At the age of 19, I had what is defined in animistic (earth-based energy medicine) terms as an ‘initiatory experience’. This was devastating at the time as I was told I had a mental illness. It wasn’t until I met and worked with Dr. Seshat in 2004 that I was able to reframe my experience, trust and believe in myself which began the long process of me embracing my intuitive gifts.

I have been fortunate to study with many talented and knowledgable practitioners to develop myself as an Intuitive Artist & Practitioner

Courtney Carnrite

Courtney Carnrite

A practitioner of Intuitive Arts and Integrative Herbalist

I have studied with Sara Wiseman for Psychic development and completed her Intuition University Graduate Program. I have also learned directly from Jill Leigh, founder of Energy Healing Institute. Jill’s “Energetics Intensive” was a week-long, intimate training in 2005 which marked the first step I took in harnessing my innate, intuitive gifts. During 2005, I had the good fortune of apprenticing with Parashakti and helped facilitate what is now known as Parashakti’s “Dance of Liberation.” I have also had training in the Usui lineage of Reiki with Anne McMurtry.

Specifically as a Journey Work Practitioner, also known as a Bean Feasa, I have completed an immersive, 4 year apprenticeship into Animistic and Traditional Healing through the 7-Threads lineage taught by Angela Prider, LittleBird. This lineage is created from Core shamanism, ancient Irish (or Celtic) Earth Medicine ways, and Andean energy practices. I would like to acknowledge and honour my walk with LittleBird and her teachers and elders from the Blackfeet Nation, Ireland, and the Andes. I have also been fortunate to study Andean Wisdom Teachings with Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta, a Traditional Curandero and WisdomKeeper from Cusco, Peru.

My work with Crystals has always been of my own devising and has evolved over the years through my own processes of working with my guides, visions I’ve received and practice.

The healer & practitioner who is vital to my success and who truly helped me acknowledge my gifts and align myself to this path is Dr. Seshat; she supported me in recognizing who I am, helped me overcome my fears and doubts, titrate off of anti-psychotics, and develop my self-confidence both as a person and with my intuitive gifts. Dr. Seshat recognized my connection with crystals and identified that I was spontaneously journeying – journeying is a common practice in animistic traditions.

As an Herbalist, I have studied with the likes of Stephen Harrod Buhner, Matthew Wood, Robin Rose Bennett, Chanchal Cabrera, and I have apprenticed with Lata Kennedy of Flower Power Herbs & Roots. Formally, I have my Chartered Herbalist Diploma and spent four years running the dried herb department at Finlandia Natural Pharmacy under the tutelage of Herbalist Michelle Bonnie. I have also trained in flower essences with the Flower Essence Society, Bach Institute, and Wild Rose College. I now produce my own line of flower essences as well as other herbal face and body products. My formal training in nutrition and wellness comes from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I received certification as an Holistic Health Counsellor and am a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. I have volunteered at Vancouver’s Friends for Life Society, a non-profit organization, offering alternative health services to people who have very serious illnesses; both as an Holistic Health Counsellor and as a Crystal Healer.

I had the great opportunity to practice both in NYC and France before settling in Vancouver, BC, Canada in 2007. Since Autumn 2014, I have consistently been working with clients and have expanded my practice in person to 4 days a week with additional days and times available during the week for online bookings.

I am extremely fortunate to love what I do.


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